Double stacker – Two level parking system
This lift is operated with an electrical motor and roller chains. It has a direct drive shaft that equalizes the platform to raise a vehicle on top of it. This lift is very durable and is low-maintenance because it has no hydraulic cylinders, hoses, or power unit. The maximum lifting capacity is 6,000lb.

Triple stacker
The triple stacker is great for commercial parking environments; it can be installed indoors or outdoors. It is operated with durable electrical motors and roller chains. The open front design allows cars move in and out of the lift quickly. Each galvanized platform has a 6,000lb. lifting capacity and the posts have a powder-coat finish. The cars parked on the lower levels need to be moved before the cars on the upper levels can be lowered.

Suspended platform
Z1, Z2, Z3G, Z3
This kind of suspended platform parking lift (Z1, Z2, Z3G, and Z3 model) is operated with an electrical motor and roller chains. The first 3 models are above ground parking lifts; Z3 is above ground and inground as well (+2-1; 2 above ground and 1 below ground). The car below the platform does not need to be moved (except for the Z1) before the car on the platform can be lowered. The platforms on the lower level can be shifted left or right for easy access for a car entering or exiting the lift.

Rear suspended platform
L1, L2, L3, ML1, ML2
This kind of rear suspended lift has no front posts, which makes it easy for drivers to drive their cars in and out of the platform and the lift. It can be operated with hydraulics or an electrical motor with roller chains. It also takes little space in a garage. The ceiling must be made of concrete to be able to hold the weight of the lift and car.

Pallet system
The pallet system is an affordable product that provides additional space for a wide range of commercial, industrial and residential applications. It is also great for indoor car parking units with limited height. The lateral sliding platform can be shifted transverse on rails; therefore, it is easy to retrieve a car behind an occupied sliding platform. A driver can also drive over an empty sliding platform. Various platforms can be combined and placed in rows depending on local circumstance. Car parking space can be maximized due to the combination of sliding platforms and an empty parking space in each row. Moreover, additional parking can be created behind pillars or in corners of garages.

Automated parking system - Conveyor belt
It doesn't matter if your parking lot is aboveground or underground; this conveyor belt parking system can quickly park or retrieve a car into or out of a parking lot. It uses space efficiently and reduces carbon emissions. Moreover, it makes parking safer and easier. It is great for hotel, hospitals, shopping centers, and villas.